Stage 2 – Capture

Geologic Sequestration

Industrial ventilation system, roof of the plant

We have been treating exhaust gases since the 1840’s. Initially, this treatment targeted smog creating particulates with filtration techniques to improve respiratory health and living conditions. Since then, a variety of technologies have been developed to remove environmentally and health detrimental emissions such as heavy metals and acid rain causing compounds. As regulations and industry hygiene standards evolve, technologies targeting Carbon Dioxide and other greenhouse gases, in emission streams, will continue to improve in efficiency and effectiveness.

Because emission streams are not consistent due to variations in fuel properties, environmental conditions, treatment efficiencies and process constraints – there is not a one-size-fits-all solution to capture CO2 from an industrial emissions stream. To better evaluate the emissions system and CO2 capture process, the problem can be segmented into three steps:

  1. Exhaust Stream Input – Understanding the physical and chemical properties
  2. Separation & Capture – Scrubbers and filters to extract CO2 from the exhaust stream
  3. Prep for Transmission – Adjusting the physical properties to meet transmission requirements

stage 2 capture diagram

To help the cause, organizations, activists, and governments have promoted efforts to improve Carbon Capture technologies with financial rewards and incentives. Carbon capture technologies is a rapidly expanding segment of this industry, these improvements will be required to make CCS successful.